Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reflexive managers are required for contemporary organizations Essay

Reflexive managers are required for contemporary organizations. Discuss using examples - Essay Example Consequently, it can be affirmed that without proper strategies, companies will not able to gain a sustainable position in the market. In this regard, it is important that companies devise their objectives and strategies parallel to one another in an effective and efficient manner further enhancing the prospect for gaining utmost level of success. However, it will also be important to mention that proper execution of the strategies is also deemed to be quite vital in order to attain the benefits for the overall business. Contextually, the role of managers or management comes into being. Managers provide the ultimate guidance to the entire business from which it can move to the positive direction and yield beneficial results for the entire business. However, executing the plans of the business needs proper support from the various resources of the corporation which primarily include the human resources as well. Proper guidance to the human resources requires appropriate and innovative style of leadership from the managers (Nieuwenhuizen, 2007). Contextually, it is believed that reflexive style of leadership is quite vital as it is effective and efficient in the domain of influencing employees towards their work. In order to get a proper understanding in in this regard, the paper will provide a thorough discussion regarding whether reflexive managers are required in the contemporary organisations with the assistance of examples. Notably, the scenario of business activities has altered by a considerable extent in recent years owing to which companies have the need to develop diverse range of strategies so that they could be able to gain utmost level of efficacy and competitiveness in their operations. However, it is important to execute the plans of the business effectively in order to ensure maximum benefits from the strategies devised by the business. Contextually, the role of human resources of the business becomes quite significant

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Basically Good, Bad, or Both Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Basically Good, Bad, or Both - Essay Example Human beings are a combination of both, good and evil because they are neutral and they have the free will and determination to adopt any. In order to be civilized humans have set boundaries and rules that determine good and evil. Aristotle argued that since man is a social animal and setting boundaries for good and evil is but natural because they are essential for humans remain civilized. Humans are neutral because they are equally capable and free to make a rational choice between good and evil. It is the society, upbringing and biological factors that affect a human's ability to think and decide. So it's these factors that are to be accredited blamed or for good or evil, respectively. It has been proved that the human mind is not a blank slate by Steven Pinker in his book "The Blank Slate" and the other factors like the surroundings, sociological and biological factors affect the mind's ability to think. Humans are not born good or born evil because they are capable of both as th ey grow up into adults. Education and guidance have an effect on the mind's capability to decide and choose between good and evil. ... Whereas, the developed world is a different scenario and people are usually educated and well- brought up even well-fed and well-provided with all the needs and wants and it's a fact that these people are sensitive and have made rational decisions to do good and avoid evil. Both the qualities of good and evil are present within us and we must make a choice. There are outside influences that affect the nature of the choice. The most controversial example is George W. Bush who is civilized and a good man in the eyes of many and especially his relatives but he is responsible for waging wars for oil and millions have been killed in his quest. He is a combination of good and evil. Bush is a good person to some people and maybe he himself believes that he is working in the best interests of his people and his country. But the fact remains that his actions were evil and millions of innocent lives have been lost. There is a reason for human nature to take this form and there are several theo ries to explain it. The philosophical naturalism believes that humans are superior beings and they are the result of evolution. Humanist philosophers argue that good and evil are simply labels and made up boundaries in order to civilize this world. It is the brain and the society at work that bring out this distinction. These influences affect our decisions to be good or to be evil. Man was born free and free will according to Thomism by Aquinas explains that a free will is the only essential proof of the existence of a soul. Aristotle supported this theory as well since according to his concept of hylomorphism the soul is significant and also universal and the soul makes every human being different. Therefore, when every one of us is different, every one of us has a

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Importance of teamwork

Importance of teamwork 1. Introduction As organisations continue to strive towards competitive advantage and increasingly high performance standards, collaboration and team-oriented project management are increasingly providing the flexibility and innovative potential necessary to excel. Yet in spite of the dynamic characteristics of teams in practice, many organisations fail to recognise the core determinants of a team-oriented framework, instead grouping employees into non-linked, non-dependent, individually-driven models. This group-based approach is distinct from team-specific initiatives and fails to meet the rigorous determinants of dynamism and effectiveness necessary in the modern marketplace. The following sections will draw distinctions between teamwork and group work, highlighting the opportunities associated with team-driven performance. Further, several theoretical models of teamwork will be introduced, demonstrating underlying benefits of optimised team management and goal setting. Through this discussion, a framework of organisational implications will be introduced, focusing on team-generated performance and the importance of effective team outcomes in meeting organisational goals. 2. The Teamwork Paradigm In spite of their seeming interoperability, Fritz (2014:1) emphasises that the terms ‘team’ and ‘group’ hold practical distinctions when represented in the context of enterprise management. A group, in theory, represents three or more individuals who, although aligned according to similar objectives or a similar unit assignment, work and perform independently of each other to achieve organisational goals (Fritz, 2014:1). Alternatively, the definition of a team involves an alliance of three or more individuals who collaborate and work interdependently to achieve a mutual goal or objective over the course of a given project, focus, or agenda (Fritz, 2014:1). Accordingly, it is the structural segmentation of responsibilities (independent or collective) that differentiates between these two terms, creating opportunities for managers to apply appropriate solutions to resolve variable and complex organisational problems. Whilst employees may initially begin their organisational tenure as a member of a working group, it is ultimately the priority and high level objective of the leadership to stimulate functional team-working, actualising tangible, high-performing outcomes from a participative environment that are capable of supporting a broader organisational vision and agenda. Whilst group-based projects and group work solutions have been prescribed throughout a variety of educational, enterprise, and social scenarios, the distinction between individual and collaborative roles within the group work concept results in a variety of outcomes. Kwon et al. (2014:185), for example, suggest that the degree and level of collaboration is a highly variable framework, one which is defined according to the complexity of the project, the characteristics of the team itself, and the overarching objectives of the leadership. Yet, more importantly, the researchers demonstrate systematically that the roots of effective teamwork are based upon a process of competent and sustained collaboration, evading a variety of pitfalls, limitations, and challenges that arise from the individualised roots that largely characterise the group-work paradigm (Kwon et al., 2014:196). It is the ability for leaders to not only inspire employee engagement in a common goal or agenda, but collaboration within a heterogeneous, multi-functional, interdependent team that ultimately creates the necessary opportunities for maximising efficiency and stimulating higher performance outcomes over time (Hogel and Proserpio, 2004:1160). As team members continue to evolve beyond the pitfalls of group-based membership and individualised working priorities, the characteristics and capabilities of the team itself begin to emerge, providing pathways to new capabilities and programme development as members actively pursue mutual and shared goals and outcomes. 2.1 Belbin’s Team Role Theory As employees and managers strive to identify their optimal place and responsibilities within a given team-working scenario, roles and behaviours play a critical role in shaping performance outcomes and actualising group objectives. Belbin (2011:24) defines a team role as a ‘pattern of behaviour characteristic of the way in which one team member interacts with another where his performance serves to facilitate the progress of the team as a whole’. For managers, this theory has distinct implications, as through identification of particular characteristics, strengths, and skill sets amongst individual team members, team performance outcomes can be predicted with relative accuracy (Business, 2011:966). Within Belbin’s (2011:24) model of team roles, Batenburg et al. (2013:903) recognise that there are three dominant role categories including action-oriented, people oriented, and thinking/problem solving-oriented under which eight distinct role behaviours can be grouped: implementer, completer/finisher, shaper, coordinator, team worker, resource investigator, monitor evaluator, and plant. Figure 1: Team Role Theory Model (Source: Batenburg et al., 2013:903) Whilst the foundations of Belbin’s (2011:24) role theory were predicated upon a tenuous balance between role assignments and team performance, Batenburg et al. (2013:904) contest that the behavioural foundations of this theory undermine considerations of skill, intellect, and experience, failing to accurately predict team-specific outcomes. Alternatively, Prichard and Stanton (1999:664) propose that the role theory framework can be used in a more pro-active, learning-oriented manner in order to assist team members in becoming aware of skills needed for successful team work, identifying capabilities which may be absent from the team at any given time, and implement avoidance strategies to resist behaviour that may not be conducive to successful team-working. 2.2 Theory X and Y Amongst the early origins of team-oriented theory, McGregor (1957:166) introduced theory X and Y as a means of explaining how individuals are motivated according to two, diametrically opposed theories (James, 64-5). The following is a brief summation of each theory as outlined by McGregor (1957:166-7): Theory X Management is responsible for organising elements of a productive enterprise Without active intervention by management, individuals would be passive and resistant to organisational needs. The average worker is indolent and works as little as possible Workers lack ambition, dislike responsibility, and prefer to be led Individuals are self-centred and indifferent to organisational needs Workers are resistant to change Workers are gullible and not inherently bright Theory Y Management is responsible for organising the elements of a productive enterprise People are not passive or resistant to organisational needs. Workers have evolved as a result of experience in the organisation Motivation, development, and responsibility are all present in individuals and can be activated Essence of management is to arrange organisational conditions and methods to allow individuals to achieve their own goals and direct individual efforts towards organisational objectives. Purpose of management is to create opportunities, release potential, remove obstacles, encourage growth, and provide guidance. The tension between these two theories is significant, as McGregor (1957:169) outlines distinctive managerial initiatives and purposes which are either control and outcome-oriented (Theory X), or are supportive, guiding, and inspirational (Theory Y). When applied to teamwork and problem-oriented scenarios, this theory as described by DalFono and Merlone (2010:424) indicates an intrinsic pursuit of equity in efforts and organisational performance, whereby inequities may potentially lead to less effort and resistance to participation. Without managerial influence, the desire for employees to excel beyond their teammates’ performance levels (e.g. due to variable skill levels, lack of similar experience, etc.) is reduced to an internal tension, the foundations of Theory X. Yet, whereby managers offer inspirational support, contribute to employee development and self-efficacy, and create a balanced framework on which to base decisions and activate effort, DalFono and Merlone (2010:424) agree with McGregor (1957:169) that motivation and performance can be strategically enhanced. 2.3 The Hawthorne Effect First described in factory operations at General Electric, the Hawthorne Effect is a ‘phenomenon whereby individual or group performance is influenced by human behaviour factors’ (Lewis et al., 2007:40). A form of summative potential, this effect represents a group/team-activated improvement in team performance which prioritises a foundation of human resource-oriented management rather than more scientific, output-based agendas (Lewis et al., 2007:40). By recognising that teamwork is a function of social interactions including both formal and informal groups and interdependencies, the Hawthorne Effect idealises humanistic pathways by which managers are able to position, affect, and sustain meaningful performance changes in organisational teams (Lewis et al., 2007:40). This effect further explains the value which the very concept of ‘teamwork’ can have on improving and sustaining organisational performance from a motivational and participation-based standpoint. As employees strive to achieve desired performance outcomes under managerial scrutiny, Patel et al. (2012:214-5) argue that justice, as a facilitative mechanism, has a direct impact on organisational identification and perception, shaping the thoughts, feelings, and actions of individuals. When positioned in social scenarios, such justice-based effects are magnified, as identity itself is rooted to the role and position within the group, affecting an individual’s feeling of self-worth (Patel et al., 2012:215). Under likely conditions of team heterogeneity, Tore-Ruiz and Aragon-Correa (2013:555) propose that team members with higher individual performance assume an important, informative role in regards to team activity and potential. Yet, within the justice-based vein of Patel et al. (2012:214) and the overarching scrutiny of the Hawthorne effect (Lewis et al., 2007:40), there is a direct correlation between scrutiny and status and performance, an effect which is inherently magnified within the teamwork setting. Whilst group work may allow individuals to operate according to independent and individualised motivations and behaviours, continuity and predictability in team performance is critical to pursuing a broader spectrum objective, orienting members towards optimal behavioural outcomes. 3. Implications and Impacts For organisational leaders, team roles, characteristics, and values represent a critical opportunity for not only achieving organisational objectives, but for targeting specific strategic goals and priorities that can result in significant developmental growth. Van De Water and Rozier (2008:499) emphasise that the underlying value of the Belbin (2011:24) model is predicated upon managerial interventions, applying pragmatic and skills-driven techniques to team composition, role assignment, and role assumption. Yet for organisations, the realisation of such idealised outcomes is oftentimes overshadowed by various dimensions of behavioural and individual interference including personality, mental abilities, values and motivations, experience, and learning practices (Van De Water and Rozier, 2008:499-500). In order to improve upon dysfunctional and ineffective team conditions, researchers such as Dietz et al. (2014:908) have undertaken to assess the roots of teamwork in practice, describing constructive and behavioural traits that yield desirable working outcomes. Through their outcome-based assessment of nursing practice and hospital administration, the researchers reveal that structural dimensions including training, communication and HRM are used to affect work process outcomes, optimising team performance and achieving desirable organisational outcomes (Dietz et al., 2014:914). One of the challenges in empirical research as evidenced by Dietz et al. (2014:914) is that situational variability and distinctive behavioural values and agendas can significantly undermine the relative effectiveness of team-based actions and organisational performance outcomes. Gressgard and Hansen (2015:167) contend that ‘learning from failures requires sharing of information and knowledge about error experiences’; however, the researchers also recognise that such ‘holistic’ organisational learning does not always manifest by chance and must be supported by leader interventions and directional supports. This form of functional knowledge exchange represents a core component of leader involvement and activism in the organisation that not only allows for intra-unit knowledge exchange, but cross-unit knowledge transfer and absorption (Gressgard and Hansen, 2015:170). Both of the Dietz et al. (2014:914) and the Gressgard and Hansen (2015:170) studies idealise team-driven environments which, although situational in practice, are characterised by several high value traits and characteristics that can be further extrapolated and explicated: Strong Leadership: Strong, effective leadership involves not only relinquishing control of team functions and decision making to the various members, but supporting key functions such as knowledge exchange through purposeful interventions and goal setting. Direction and Vision: Effective teams benefit from a strong, purposeful vision that is capable of both directing behaviours and moderating individual values and priorities. Whilst leaders maintain responsibility for perpetuating this vision over time, it is the broader, big picture agenda of the organisation which ultimately defines and sustains the vision in practice. Interdependencies and Partnerships: In order to activate shared knowledge and maximise the benefits of heterogeneous teams, interdependencies must be built into the working dynamics, creating opportunities for members to activate new understandings and competencies within the context of the broader organisational objectives. Roles, Responsibilities, and Agendas: Focusing on the distinct, yet interwoven roles of individual team members, it becomes critical for effective teams to not only assign process-oriented tasks to members of the team, but to ensure that there is sufficient clarity and directional support to guide and sustain such processes. The pursuit of effective team-working is driven by both organisational needs and employee engagement, foundations which support, direct, and sustain goal setting and agenda-specific orientation over time. Deering et al. (2011:90-1) describe several key steps for actualising such goal-oriented outcomes, focusing on leaders as a directional force that supports team composition and role assignment, allowing teams to develop functional situational awareness (shared mental model), mutual support (cross-monitoring, cross functionality), and effective communication. Through the introduction of simulated training scenarios within a real world organisational context, Deerring et al. (2011:94-5) demonstrate how effective team-working can not only be trained, but can be solidified according to key organisational objectives, establishing foundational rules and guidelines that can then be extended over the course of the working processes. Such initiatives build upon what Laal (2013:1427) view as a necessary framework of collaborative learning which is ‘based upon consensus building through cooperation by group members’. Whilst less collaborative setting involving groups may ultimately allow individuals to pursue learning and knowledge on their own, the roots of collaborative learning are driven by commonalities and goal setting that can magnify the overall effectiveness of the team-working process over time (Laal et al., 2013:1428). Whilst training and learning in the workplace are largely holistic functions of daily operations, leaders can stimulate more directional objectives by identifying and defining specific goals and expectations that can support team performance and enhance effectiveness over time. At the core of teamwork orchestration are two leading priorities: to achieve consistent, high performing outcomes and/or to innovate or develop beyond the current state of organisational performance. Hogel and Proserpio (2004:1154) propose that team member proximity (both physical and cognitive) and role assumption play a significant role in the achievement of desirable collaborative processes. Whilst the researchers focus on the relationships between team-members across co-located, virtual teams, the evidence relating to proximity supports and coordination resources is indicative of the building blocks required for effective and high performing teamwork. Specifically, Hogel and Proserpio (2004:1160) describe the role of intermediary actors (e.g. managers) as a form of cross-location communication support system, creating communication bridges for co-located employees seeking to maintain their distinctive roles within a distributed, yet goal-oriented team. The evidence, although specific to a particular form of modern enterprise, demonstrates that regardless of status or role assignments, teamwork and the actualisation of effective outcomes in real world practice, is predicated upon effective communication and sustained interpersonal relationships that, by virtue of their group focus, are distinct from more traditional group-work and group-based assignments. The distinction between group and teamwork is important for managers to recognise, as collaborative foundations and interdependencies are unlikely evolve out of group-based activities, particularly due to the outcome-oriented priorities which inhibit more participative and collective agenda setting (Bedwell et al. 2012:128). In order to improve collaborative outcomes and organisational performance, Bedwell et al. (2012:134) recognise that collaboration requires participation in joint activities, a shared or common goal, reciprocity and support, the ability to evolve, and participation by two or more social entities. Whilst the roots of collaboration are largely intuitive, the effects of such team-driven performance on organisational practices can be directly linked to improved performance and positive enterprise outcomes. Hayne and Free (2014:309) model such team-driven performance improvements within the context of risk management and organisational monitoring. By diversifying the responsibility for risk identification and assessment in daily operations across a cross-functional team, the researchers demonstrate that not only does performance improve over time, but risks and vulnerabilities are systematically reduced, providing opportunities for new working processes and more efficient resource distribution (Hayne and Frere, 2014:325). In spite of the positive interpretation of teamwork modelled by Bedwell et al. (2012:134) and further highlighted by Hayne and Frere (2014:325), the actualisation of an effective, functional team is not a simple process, and may ultimately result in significant hurdles and organisational inconsistencies. Kwon et al. (2014:185) describe complications within the ‘interprofessional collaborative process’ that emerge from deficiencies within individual ‘collaborators’, creating hurdles and mitigating the benefits of team-working. One of the most significant hurdles identified through empirical testing and surveying was inadequate or missing socio-emotional interaction between the team members, inhibiting trust and ultimately resulting in challenges for group regulation and team participation (Kwon et al., 2014:196). Such findings indicate that for teams to move beyond the individualised hurdles affecting collaboration and mitigating participation, there must be sufficient motivation, a functional gap that establishes leader interventions and organisational vision as conduits that allow teams to evolve and achieve higher states of performance. 4. Summary Whilst the concept of ‘group’ in any team is a relative given, the concept of ‘team’ is fundamentally non-interchangeable with that of ‘group’. In spite of the fact that the distinction is relatively simplistic (individual work versus collaboration), in organisational practice, actualising an effective team is much more difficult than simply assigning individuals into groups. The multi-dimensional variables impacting upon team performance, role assignment, and member behaviour are of significant importance as managers seek to evaluate and target high performing team outcomes. From personal affiliation and value-based alignment within the organisation to collaborative learning and team-driven capacity building, the factors that influence team effectiveness are a critical consideration. In spite of long-lived, industry-leading theories such as the team role theory, Theory X Y, or the Hawthorne Effect, it is difficult to establish a consensus in regards to the roots of effective team membership, and by default, effective team-working. Individuals can be effective members of groups and fulfil their role according to their own underlying agendas; however, in order for organisations to truly activate performance and maximise their potential, a more functional, dynamic team environment is necessary. It is through the layered engagement of multi-dimensional skill sets and competencies that managers are not only able to maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of their teams, but are able to identify collaborative strengths and collective advantages that might otherwise remain obscured by individual priorities and actions. References Batenburg, R., Van Walbeek, W.V., Der Maur, W.I. (2013) ‘Belbin Role Diversity and Team Performance: Is There a Relationship?’ Journal of Management Development, Vol. 32, No. 8, pp. 901-913. Bedwell, W.L., Wildman, J.L., DiazGranados, D., Salazar, M., Kramer, W.S., Salas, E. (2012) ‘Collaboration at Work: An Integrative Multilevel Conceptualization.’ Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 22, pp. 128-145. Belbin, R.M. (2011) Team Roles at Work. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinmann, 2nd Edition. Business. (2011) Business: The Ultimate Resource. London: AC Black Publishers, 3rd Edition. Dal Forno, A., Merlone, U. (2010) ‘Effort Dynamics in Supervised Work Groups.’ Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 75, pp. 413-425. Deering, S., Johnston, L.C., Colacchio, K. (2011) ‘Multidisciplinary Teamwork and Communication Training.’ Seminars in Perinatology, pp. 89-96. Diez, A.S., Pronovost, P.J., Mendez-Tellez, P.A., Wyskiel, R., Marsteller, J.A., Thompson, D.A., Rosen, M.A. (2014) ‘A Systematic Review of Teamwork in the Intensive Care Unit: What Do We Know About Teamwork, Team Tasks, and Improvement Strategies?’ Journal of Critical Care, Vol. 29, pp. 908-914. Fritz, R. (2014) ‘Differences Between Group Work and Team Work.’ Chron, Small Business, Available At: . Accessed 6th October, 2014. Greerssgard, L.J., Hansen, K. (2015) ‘Knowledge Exchange and Learning from Failures in Distributed Environments: The Role of Contractor Relationship Management and Work Characteristics.’ Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 133, pp. 167-175. Hayne, C., Free, C. (2014) ‘Hybridized Professional Groups and Institutional Work: COSO and the Rise of Enterprise Risk Management.’ Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 39, pp. 309-330. Hoegl, M., Proserpio, L. (2004) ‘Team Member Proximity and Teamwork in Innovative Projects.’ Research Policy, Vol. 33, pp. 1153-1165. James, D. (1999) Introduction to Team and Personal Development. London: Chartered Institute of Bankers. Kwon, K., Liu, Y.H., Johnson, L.S.P. (2014) ‘Group Regulation and Social-Emotional Interactions Observed in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: Comparison Between Good vs Poor Collaborators.’ Computers and Education, Vol. 78, pp. 185-200. Laal, M., Naseri, A.S., Laal, M., Kermanshahi, Z.K. (2013) ‘What Do We Achieve from Learning in Collaboration?’ Procedia—Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 93, pp. 1427-1432. Lewis, P.S., Goodman, S., Fandt, P., Michlitsch, J. (2007) Management: Challenges for Tomorrow’s Leaders. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western, 5th Edition. McGregor, D.M. (1957) ‘The Human Side of Enterprise.’ Management Review, pp. 41-49. Patel, C., Budhwar, P., Varma, A. (2012) ‘Overall Justice, Work Group Identification and Work Outcomes: Test of Moderated Mediation Process.’ Journal of World Business, Vol. 47, pp. 213-222. Prichard, J.S., Stanton, N.A. (1999) ‘Testing Belbin’s Team Role Theory of Effective Groups.’ The Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 652-665. Torre-Ruiz, J.M.D., Aragon-Correa, J.A. (2013) ‘Interdependence Between Best Team Members and their Teammates.’ International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 552-567. Van de Water, H., Ahaus, K., Rozier, R. (2008) ‘Team Roles, Team Balance, and Performance.’ Journal of Management Development, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 499-512.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Rise of the Individual Essay -- Enlightenment of the 18th Century

The transition from a condition of little autonomy to one that recognizes the individual is often gradual. This is evident in our own personal lives. When we were very young, our parents, in trying to guide us down the right path, pretty much dictated what we could and could not do and laid out all of our beliefs for us. As time passed and we worked our way from kindergarten to college, we were exposed to new ideas, providing us the motivation to seek more rights and allowing us to define and redefine ourselves as individuals. This same ideology is true of societal transitions. By substituting Old Regime ideals for kindergarten and various revolutions for grades in school, this can be seen. In the early 1700s, the practices and ideals of European government, which came to be known as the Old Regime, offered society little individual freedom. Gradually, as Europeans witnessed the Scientific Revolution, the Age of Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and the reign of Napoleon, they were exposed to new ideas. The people of Europe took these ideas and incorporated them into society, ultimately leading to the birth of individualism. The Old Regime was a time characterized by absolutism, both real and unreal, and an agrarian economy that grappled to produce enough to meet the needs of the general public. People felt they were powerless over nature. Because life was often "nasty, brutish, and short," family life centered on survival, and collective interest took priority over individual interest. Marriage, which took place at a young age, was normally the result of economic necessity rather than love, and after marriage, women became slaves to child bearing to ensure that they would have a male who lived until the age of inherit... ...versity of Illinois Press, 1979), 92-96. 12. Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 67. 13. Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 64. 14. Kagan, The Western Heritage, 466. 15. Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 105. 16. Kagan, The Western Heritage, 468. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Source Cooper, Barbara T., and Mary Donaldson-Evans. Modernity and the Revolution in Late Nineteenth-Century France. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1992. This book includes historical essays about the ever-changing politics and society of nineteenth-century France. The essays were selected from papers presented at the fifteenth annual Colloquium in Nineteenth-Century French Studies, held at the University of New Hampshire in October 1989. They are relevant to the rise of the individual.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Moving To Foriegn Land Essay

The idea of leaving the life behind you had lived for 19 years and moving to another country and start your life from scratch never attracted me. Looking back 3 years ago before leaving my home country, Pakistan and moving to Singapore my life was very different. When my father first disclosed the news that we will be moving to Singapore I remember how excited everyone in my family was, except for me. I was living a life that I always wanted and loved, surrounded by most loving grandparents and relatives, growing up with my best friends, and studying in Fashion School. The fact that I had to leave everything behind and start up new, moving to unknown city, unfamiliar to the culture, unknown traditions, making new friends, inter cultural communication barriers, how will I fit in new school scared me. I always had this idea in my head that starting up new is impossible for me and I was not self-motivated for the change Moving from high-context culture to low-context culture is a big change. First thing I did after moving, I started comparing everything to how it is back home. Then I could not get in fashion school, which caused having low self-esteem in me. I was not very familiar to the culture as well, new places, new challenges and new people. All this led me to isolating myself and being pessimist about everything. After my family successfully convinced me to take a Diploma in Business I got admission in one of the private institute, few early weeks I was the shy and quite student in the class, there were a lot of things going on in my head and because I was not self-motivated I never initiated to talk to people or make friends. After a while I became friends with these 2 girls in my class (both belonged from different culture). Both of them were very helpful and understanding. From there I started being open and interacting with people from different other countries and culture. Dwyer (2013a, p. 117), defined culture as â€Å"shared views of people belonging from to that society†. Dwyer (2013b, p. 118) I realized, just like me most the students in my class were immigrants too and pretty much have been through the same difficulties and experience. They all were unknown to my culture (Language, religion, social culture etc.) as  I was unknown to theirs. All of them were away from their homeland and some of them were also living without their families. As time passed I started realising positive aspects of this experience. Growing up in a certain culture means you become customized to those beliefs, values and norms they appear very normal – everyday activities, behaviors, and you do not think about them as part of a culture. Singapore is a land of multi cultures, due to which I have made friends from different countries, with time I started soaking up culture references, trying different foods, learning different languages, known to different religions, celebrating different cultural and religious festivals, trying their clothes, sharing the customs and traditions. I found myself eager to learn about it and not only me but my class mates where equally interested in my culture. After a while I realized I started adopting the habits I never thought I would embrace. I got to know myself better because there were things I used to believe in which was just the cultural heritage of the society I grew up in and not my own beliefs. Furthermore, as I had an art background, studying business for the first time was also a new experience for me and had some difficulties in the beginning but with the help of my teachers I managed to clear my concepts. When a person has lived a part of their life in another country especially their teenage, it is a challenge moving to different country and starting from the scratch but now after spending 3 years in Singapore I have realised how it was one of the best decision of my life. What I wanted was to spend my whole life in a shell and never let myself think outside the box. I can say that I was the one making this process difficult for myself, it all depends on a person’s will. Since the day I got to know about moving I was being hard on myself and never let myself think positively about it. It certainly is difficult to start all over again when our lives already exists elsewhere but It depends on a person to overcome the change and make it comfortable. It is all a process of learning, expecting the unexpected and fighting through the challenges. . I never knew before that I could be flexible with the changes and see this as an opportunity one day. Through this transformation of experience, I can conclude that after moving from my homeland to Singapore, I may have faced difficulties in adjusting with the culture and other challenges in the beginning but looking at  positive side I have only learnt from it and came out of it as a better and mature person intellectually and more exposed toward the cultures. This experience helped me in learning so many new and different things, about myself, about other than my own culture which I never knew even existed, and that is one of the best parts about leaving your home country and moving to a foreign land. It has been a life-changing experience for me and I will never go back to how I was. And now I can say that I’m ready to face further challenges in my life. References: Dwyer, J 2013a, Communication for business and the professions: Strategies and skills, 5th ed., Pearson Australia. – 2013b, Communication for business and the professions: Strategies and skills, 5th ed., Pearson Australia.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reflection of Internship Technology

What steps did I take to tackle this monster? I enlisted the help of our service engineer Bryan Irvine who owns the service and Is the subject matter expert to the entire company. Bryan showed me how to use Zones and how to actually go into Zones-Dive and implement changes and sample templates before pushing them to prod. I wrote some very basic python scripts and was able to create templates for a new API service used to run the Nintendo e-Shop environment that rolled out in March. From the time started at Nintendo, I have read through the Zones user's manual and watched a short merman on It through Youth.I used this tool everyday Inside the Network Operations Center and feel pretty comfortable with it from a user†s perspective. From what I learned, I did not have to learn how to manage or setup Zones in order to perform my duties as a system administrator. That particular responsibility is that of our systems engineer. So to conclude, I did not complete my overall objective b ut at the same time, my objective was way too big. I learned that I should be more aware of what Is expected of me before loading myself up with super high expectations.In arms of learning Linux commands, I learned the basics in the first 60 days of my internship. I did look over the Linux in a nutshell book at my desk and discovered how rarely I needed to use any commands outside of the most basic ones such as Is, UDF, who, Greg, AS, l, and SSH. Because most of the server health checks are scripted and automated into Zones, sometimes it was Just a matter of point and click. Usually it was when I needed to Investigate further Into an Issue or If I wanted to verify manually what Zones was reporting that old SSH into a server using putty. Ex and utilize Linux commands. I felt that I completed my overall objective of becoming familiar with using Linux commands but again, I believe my goal was set a bit high. One good thing that came out of my experience is that Linux commands are not t hat hard to learn and they show an immediate result / return for what is typed unlike scripting and programming. Fertilization was a topic which I thought would become a mall focus for me. I become more familiarized with fertilization by running my own virtual machine through Oracle Virtual Box.It was a good learning experience when I had to figure out how to configure the proxy through the VIM to access data on the internet as all traffic through my workstation passed through our corporate proxy server. I utilized vespers to troubleshoot and investigate degraded service conditions. Much of the time all it took was a reboot of the VIM to bring a service back up, otherwise It was a systems engineer's role to configure and maintain in vespers and feel very comfortable navigating around it.Again, I believe I set my objective a bit high and broad in this circumstance and feel satisfied with what I have accomplished over all despite it not being what I originally planned. My 6 month inte rnship at Nintendo has taught me a lot. As an individual I realized how difficult it was for me to find my voice amongst the team. As an employee I could not help but always feel that I could do a better Job in supporting my team mates. I learned that everyone on my team was not as closed off as I thought they were.When I initiated conversations with them and opened myself up, they reciprocated and I felt very safe and happy working with them. Looking back I wish I had taken more risks in getting to know them and share with them who I was and where I came from. I believe my supervisor would say that I am an assertive employee that is quick to read between the lines. I really liked how he offered to serve as a personal reference in my future job hunt. I believe my other coworkers really value me and are always happy to see me and ask about whatever I was up to.They make me feel really at home and as a functioning team member, they always tend to compliment on my intelligence and I fi nd it quite flattering. Professional workplace skills I need to improve including being more open to people. I wish I could smile a lot more and communicate how happy and grateful I am to be working with them. Asking more questions and not being afraid to speak up is one thing I will definitely make a priority for wherever my ext Job might be. Building a relationship with the people around me is one area I want to tackle on head first.My internship experience through Year Up and at Nintendo of America is immeasurable in terms of what it has done for me. I feel like a whole new person equipped with experience and knowledge in the areas I used to lack in. Communication and drive was my main concern before starting Year Up and today it is an ongoing challenge to supersede new goals that I set for myself every day. I learned that I tend to over analyze and over compensate for technical knowledge when it may not be most practical.Clearly my objectives that were set in the beginning were extremely difficult where it may have been something that required superhuman potential to achieve. From my perspective looking back, if I had completed my objectives I would have the qualifications of someone who has worked in IT / Unix Engineering for around 3-4 years gathered in less than 6 months' time. It was a good learning experience nevertheless; I plan to continue tackling my career and life with the same attitude but now with more emphasis on personal relationships and practicality.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Paper Research

Paper Research Paper Research Paper Research: Strategies of Making Good Research When you get an assignment to write a paper, whether it is an essay, a research paper, a term paper or any other kind of student paper, you want to write it well in order to get high points. In what way can one write a good assignment paper? This is the main question that springs to your mind! Lets find an answer! To write a good paper you should make, first of all, good paper research. It does not matter what kind of student paper you have to write. One should stress that actually to make papers research means not only to conduct long-lasting investigation, make complicated calculations and observations. Even if you are writing a reaction paper on a certain movie, you have to make some research. It will be just the research of smaller size. In this case paper research will contain watching the movie, describing of the main characters, analyzing of the main idea and discussing of the matter problems. Anyway, it will take you some t ime and certain efforts to make this research. Thus, the essence does not change, only the research scale is different. Three main elements of making good paper research To make good paper research you should take into account 3 aspects!You should be interested in the issue that is investigated. If you are free in choosing your paper topic, of course, it is very easy for you to meet this condition. But what should you do if you are provided with a certain topic? There is no problem as well. The matter is that you have to study a certain point of this topic. Thus, try to find a point that will get you interested most of all while studying informational materials on the given topic. You should study the question thoroughly. You should understand that to make good paper research you should have good informational basis. So, try to process as much information on your topic as you can. Do not forget to write down some specific data that may be useful for your writing. This may be some figures, quotations, observation results and so on. You should neither be in hurry, no dilly-dally! Making a time-table for your writing process will help you control your time left till the submission date. Split your work into several parts (for example, studying the information, making an outline for your paper, writing and checking) trying to determine approximate time that will take you to fulfill each part of the work. Do not forget to take into account some force-majeure circumstances! So, add several days to each part of your time-table. So, try to keep in mind this information and you will make really good paper research!

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Write the Date in a Document

How to Write the Date in a Document How to Write the Date in a Document In an era of calendar apps, we don’t have to write the date down often. But this does mean that it’s easy to forget the rules for writing dates in different places. It’s lucky, then, that we’re here to help! Writing the Date in Full In formal writing, always write the date in full when it is part of a sentence. This will usually involve giving the day of the month, the month, and the year: The meeting will take place on April 21, 2019. Note that the year follows after a comma. You can, however, use a few different formats. This can include omitting the year or adding the day of the week. In addition, you can use ordinal instead of cardinal numbers when writing the date out in full with the day before the month: Thursday, October 3 Tuesday, August 6, 2019 The 21st of April, 2019 The letters that follow the numbers above are a little old fashioned, but they are not incorrect. You may also see these numbers formatted as superscript. Whichever date format you use, however, make sure to apply it consistently for all dates in your document. Abbreviating the Date In less formal writing, or when the date is not part of the main text in a document, you can abbreviate the month to save space. For instance, â€Å"August 20, 2019† could be abbreviated to â€Å"Aug. 20, 2019.† The same can be done with days (e.g., â€Å"Tuesday† becomes â€Å"Tue.†). Typically, the first three letters are used as the abbreviation for any day or month. However, some style guides (e.g., MLA) recommend only doing this for months with more than five letters. Writing the Date as Numerals You can also write the date as numerals instead of words. The format to use here is month/day/year. There are, however, a number of ways to do this. Variations include: Whether to put a â€Å"0† before single-digit months and days Whether to write the year in full or just the last two digits How to punctuate the date For example, we could write March 4, 2019 in any of the following ways: 03/04/2019 03.04.19 3-4-2019 The best format is a matter of preference, as long as you use it consistently. However, you should also keep clarity in mind. For instance, if referring to something that could have happened in either 1902 or 2002, you should always give the year in full to prevent confusion! International Date Formats Finally, we should give a few thoughts to the rest of the world. After all, the month/day/year format used in the US is not really used anywhere else (except for the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands). For some reason, the Marshall Islands tourism board focuses more on the beaches than the date format. Around the rest of the world, the most common format is day/month/year. A few places also use a year/month/day format (e.g., China), but this is very rare in English. This variation is especially important to remember with numeric dates, as it can be easy to get confused unless you know the format. For instance, â€Å"4/10/2019† would refer to April 10 in the US, but it would refer to October 4 in Britain or France. So make sure to check the date format being used when dealing with other countries, otherwise you might be very early or very late for appointments in Europe!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Common Classroom Etiquette and Rules for Students

Common Classroom Etiquette and Rules for Students There are a few standard rules that every student should observe at all times when it comes to behavior in the classroom. Respect Others You are sharing your classroom with several other people who are just as important as you. Dont try to make others feel embarrassed. Dont make fun of others, or roll your eyes, or make faces when they are speaking. Be Polite If you must sneeze or cough, dont do it on another student. Turn away and use a tissue. Say excuse me. If someone is brave enough to ask a question, dont laugh or make fun of them. Say thank you when someone else does something nice. Use appropriate language. Keep Supplies Stocked Keep tissues and other supplies in your desk so youll have one when you need it! Dont become a constant borrower. When you see your eraser or your pencil supply shrinking, ask your parents to restock. Be Organized Messy workspaces can become distractions. Try to clean your own space often, so your clutter doesnt interfere with the classroom workflow. Make sure you have a space for storing supplies that must be replenished. This way, you will know when your supplies are running low, and you wont have to borrow. Be Prepared Maintain a homework checklist and bring your finished homework and projects to class with you on the due date. Be on Time Arriving late to class is bad for you and it is bad for other students. When you walk in late, you interrupt the work that has begun. Learn to be punctual. You also risk the possibility of getting on the teachers nerves. This is never good. While the Teacher is Talking Look at the teacher to make eye contact, unless youre writing notes.Dont whisper.Dont pass notes.Dont throw things.Dont laugh.Dont make funny faces to make other people laugh. When You Have a Question Wait for your turn to ask a question. If someone else is speaking, simply wait with your hand raised (or whatever process your teacher requires).Dont say me, next or oh when youre waiting with your hand raised. You will be noticed. When Working Quietly in Class Dont hum or fidget to distract other students.Keep your hands and feet to yourself.Dont brag if you finish first.Dont make rude comments about another students work or habits. When Working in Small Groups Respect the work and the words of your group members. If you dont like an idea, be polite. Never say thats dumb, or anything that would embarrass a classmate. If you really dont like an idea, you can explain why without being rude. Speak to fellow group members in a low voice. Dont speak loud enough for other groups to hear. During Student Presentations Dont try to distract the speaker.Keep your eyes on the speaker.Dont make rude comments.Try to think of a question if the speaker invites the class to ask. During Tests Remain quiet until everyone is finished.Dont get up and walk around unless its absolutely necessary. Everybody likes to have fun, but there is a time and a place for fun. Dont try to have fun at the expense of others, and dont try to have fun at inappropriate times. The classroom can be fun, but not if your fun involves rudeness.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Read either document 22-1President Woodrow Wilson Asks Congress for a Essay

Read either document 22-1President Woodrow Wilson Asks Congress for a Declaration of War or Eugene V. Debs Attacks Capitalist Warmongers - Essay Example It was the war between Central Powers consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria and the Triple Entente composed of the Russian Empire, France and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, which had become the World War I with the decision of the USA to support the Triple Entente. In this essay I will analyze the reasons behind such a decision of the American government within the context of similar decisions in favor of war that the USA waged in historical retrospective of a couple of decades preceding American participation in the World War I. After the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America announced on July 4, 1776 and final settlement of controversies between the States during the American Civil War that took place from 1861 to 1865, the American government started to work more closely on such issues as foreign policy. The geopolitical strategy of the United States was marked with expansionist aspirations at the end of the 19th century. These aspirations gained considerable popularity within the American society after the victory of the United States in Spanish-American War in 1898, which resulted in the decision of Spain to cede Philippines, which had once been Spanish colonies in the Pacific Ocean, to the United States. Neglecting the will of the nation of Philippines for independence from any foreign rule, the leaders of Spain and the USA signed the agreement that made Philippines a part of American sphere of influence, which led to Philippine-American war. It is important to understand the reas ons why the U. S. government decided to wage this war in foreign land and how the President of the USA justified this decision because, in my opinion, it was somewhat aligned with the reasons behind the decision of the American government to enter the World War I. When the Philippine-American war broke out, the public opinion in the USA as to the necessity to send American troops to Philippines was

Friday, October 18, 2019

John Quincy Adams Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

John Quincy Adams - Article Example One of his journal entries at forty-five is a statement filled with reflection upon a continuous personal struggle with insecurity as the country’s president passionately endeavored to resolve his own indifference in serving and shaping the American nation based on convictions established by his roots. To JFK, even if this meant desertion by the Federalist Party, his depicts a real story of unusual courage, a point when a reader shifts perspective from the common view of a heroic political figure but one may readily admit that the bravery shown through the profile of Adams is by itself justified. It truly takes a huge amount of courage to be able to convey imperfections across a multitude who are in typical recognition of flawless leaders only. One of his journal entries at forty-five is a statement filled with reflection upon a continuous personal struggle with insecurity as the country’s president passionately endeavored to resolve his own indifference in serving and shaping the American nation based on convictions established by his roots. To JFK, even if this meant desertion by the Federalist Party, his depicts a real story of unusual courage, a point when a reader shifts perspective from the common view of a heroic political figure but one may readily admit that the bravery shown through the profile of Adams is by itself justified. It truly takes a huge amount of courage to be able to convey imperfections across a multitude who are in typical recognition of flawless leaders only. Daniel Webster As an ideal example of a man with an authentic word of honor, Pres. J. F. Kennedy paid tribute as well to Daniel Webster who did not cease at aiming to win favor for the cause of the Union while working to impede the natural course of the Civil War. Like the few other notable profiles, Webster occurs to be characterized in Kennedy’s creation as a man who deserves even the reverence of the modern world for taking grave risks in the act of unifying the States at the expense of his profession and the economy attached to it. In all eloquence, D. Webster expressed his determination to pursue his undaunted convictions toward the preservation of the Union to the extent of not receiving a due acknowledgment after tedious hours of dedicated speech and as if he were constantly at the frontline of the stiff rivalry between the irreconcilable South and North. One evidently identifies in his case one of JFK’s most admired traits, as firmly standing for what the man co nsiders as his sense of fervent and unbreakable truth. This had been adequately manifested in Webster’s manner of persuasion in tone or his astounding presence of spirit and verbal delivery that could be felt spontaneously radiating from out of a solid core or a well-integrated whole where mind and heart are a single entity so that audience at the time acquired the impression that ‘he looked like one, talked like one, was treated like one, and insisted he was one (Kennedy 53).’Â  

Email revision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Email revision - Essay Example I would like to take such a chance to submit my request to you as a supervisor in the sense that I have imperative ideas, whose discussion is vital. Therefore, I beg for the date’s adjustment to 22nd since I have a due schedule on 20th where I have some reports to deliver. In the first place, I would like us to consider salary increment due to the extreme economic crisis where we are not able to meet our personal needs. Secondly, we should consider the clothing character where the management should permit casual wear on Fridays. Thirdly, I would like us to factor gender balance in the company. It is a concept, which will establish respect among the employees hence restrict them in their entitlements Further, the management should enhance an effective strategy to promote self-esteem to the staff. Such an approach will involve eradication of the nepotism character in the entity. Further, the idea will enhance equality. Moreover, we should discuss a mechanism, which will factor staff advancement. Critically, it is recommendable for the workers to exchange ideas and train one another a method, which will perfect their skills. Finally, we should determine the remedies towards frequent short notices and excessive travelling. I kindly hope that you will be interested as you respond to my request. Yours faithfully, Miguel

Family assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Family assessment - Essay Example The family values its health and therefore invested in numerous health policies. Additionally, the family values its security and therefore takes every precaution to avert any type of accidents that may impair the health of any of its member. Making the home safe is a family responsibility. As such, the family under study strives to make the home safe by ensuring the strategic placement of the equipment and electronics in the house. The family further strives to manage the space of its home efficiently by avoiding any instance of crowding in the home. This facilitates easy movement of both the adults and the children without risking any form of injury. Nutrition is yet another fundamental feature that contributes to the wellbeing of a family. The family strives to have balanced diets in order to curb the manifestation of any nutrition related infections. Balanced diet enhances efficient growth patterns thus enabling faster growth and physical wellbeing of individuals. The family observes consistency in their eating patterns often striving to consume adequate amount of water depending on the weather patterns of the day. Consistency in the eating patterns curbs instances of shock that arise from eating disorders. Eating supplies the body with energy to sustain the daily activities. This underscores the need for adequate physical exercise in order to burn out the excessive calories that often contribute to different types of nutritional disorder. The family admits engaging in different types of physical exercises including walking to work, using the staircase and taking art in different spots among others. Such are effective in burning out the excessive calories in the body thereby resulting in a lean and efficient body. Furthermore, physical fitness contributes to mental alertness. The family contends that taking part in the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Philosophy - Essay Example Since his early age, Descartes had begun to doubt every traditional fact, he had ever known or learned. His doubts even reached his own existence in the world. So, in his Discourse on Method Meditations and Principles, Descartes explains and elaborates the principles of his philosophy that depend on skepticism and uncertainty. Then, he started to rebuild his knowledge, as well as ours, by proving his own existence, and the existence of mind, soul, and God. As noticed by many thinkers, â€Å"the Method of Doubt ultimately involves the task of removing all uncertain beliefs, ensuring that only beliefs that are certainly true beliefs remain in one's philosophy† (Bellotti). In order to take us from the state of complete doubt to complete certainty, Descartes made an insightful connection between his method of doubt and his method of inquiry, resorting to the use of the scientific method of thinking, advocated by former thinkers and philosophers. In essence, the scientific method c an be considered as a process, in which one corrects himself and his previous knowledge, through continuous examination of truth, for the final aim of finding answers to questions. This examination of truth is what is referred to as doubt and skepticism by Descartes (Bracken). Theoretically, the scientific method of thinking, as practiced by famous thinkers such as Galileo and Francis Bacon, takes two main forms: deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. Building on the theories of great former thinkers, Descartes found that the deductive method best suited his philosophical principles. To illustrate, the deductive form of the scientific method arrives at a provable true conclusion by reasoning after the application of thoughtful experiments and sound logic. The inductive method, on the other hand, starts with observations, which create a hypothesis to be proved through a confirmation process. This form of the scientific method can be evidenced, for example, in Newton’s la w of gravity. He arrived at this law after observing the fall of the apple from the tree. This observation led him to make a hypothesis about a hidden force that let the apple fall, leading him to arrive at the law of gravity. On the contrary, the deductive form of the scientific method does not start with a hypothesis; rather, it looks at the already existent facts and examines them through reasoning to derive conclusion about the accuracy and authenticity of the fact. So, this was exactly what Descartes wanted to implement, regarding his philosophy of doubt. For him, any known fact can be doubted till it is logically proved to be true through reasoning (Roach). Descartes derived this trust in the concept of logic and reasoning from his background as a mathematician. He clearly states this fact, when he says that he was delighted â€Å"with mathematics because of the certainty of its demonstrations and the evidence of its reasoning† (Beardsley, p. 9). Making use of his mathe matical background, Descartes then tended to apply logic and reasoning to all his future philosophical principles. Implementing the deductive form of the scientific method, Descartes goes on in his meditations to experience an intellectual journey, in which he doubts every single fact in our world. As noted by many observers, â€Å"Descartes begins his method of doubt by considering that he has, in the past, been deceived by his senses – things have looked a way that they are not† (Lacewing). As a result, this scientific method

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fashion Buying and Merchandising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Fashion Buying and Merchandising - Essay Example The paper "Fashion Buying and Merchandising" concerns the process of Fashion Buying and Merchandising. The United Colors of Benetton have missed the fashion colors for the spring / summer collection of 2011, specifically because of the colors which aren’t bright or fashion forward. To change this, a capsule can be created to fulfill the gap and change the way in which the approach is taken. The capsule will not only consist of the changes in colors, but will also continue to include the ideal of comfort that the United Colors of Benetton approached toward the season The result will be the ability to combine the current parts of the fashion which was noted to have a better approach with the trends of the season based on colors. The focus for this particular capsule will be to expand on the shapes and key features which have already been introduced by the United Colors of Benetton. While there was a lack of the right coloring, there were some elements which could be considered w ith the clothing, specifically with the styles and shapes that were included in the various pieces of clothing. The capsule created will combine new types of fabric and colors with the shapes and styles which were currently introduced by the United Colors of Benetton for the Spring / Summer collection. These will then upgrade to the competition of other manufacturers who have changed their collections to the high styles that are available for the season while allowing the company to keep the authentic style.

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Philosophy - Essay Example Since his early age, Descartes had begun to doubt every traditional fact, he had ever known or learned. His doubts even reached his own existence in the world. So, in his Discourse on Method Meditations and Principles, Descartes explains and elaborates the principles of his philosophy that depend on skepticism and uncertainty. Then, he started to rebuild his knowledge, as well as ours, by proving his own existence, and the existence of mind, soul, and God. As noticed by many thinkers, â€Å"the Method of Doubt ultimately involves the task of removing all uncertain beliefs, ensuring that only beliefs that are certainly true beliefs remain in one's philosophy† (Bellotti). In order to take us from the state of complete doubt to complete certainty, Descartes made an insightful connection between his method of doubt and his method of inquiry, resorting to the use of the scientific method of thinking, advocated by former thinkers and philosophers. In essence, the scientific method c an be considered as a process, in which one corrects himself and his previous knowledge, through continuous examination of truth, for the final aim of finding answers to questions. This examination of truth is what is referred to as doubt and skepticism by Descartes (Bracken). Theoretically, the scientific method of thinking, as practiced by famous thinkers such as Galileo and Francis Bacon, takes two main forms: deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. Building on the theories of great former thinkers, Descartes found that the deductive method best suited his philosophical principles. To illustrate, the deductive form of the scientific method arrives at a provable true conclusion by reasoning after the application of thoughtful experiments and sound logic. The inductive method, on the other hand, starts with observations, which create a hypothesis to be proved through a confirmation process. This form of the scientific method can be evidenced, for example, in Newton’s la w of gravity. He arrived at this law after observing the fall of the apple from the tree. This observation led him to make a hypothesis about a hidden force that let the apple fall, leading him to arrive at the law of gravity. On the contrary, the deductive form of the scientific method does not start with a hypothesis; rather, it looks at the already existent facts and examines them through reasoning to derive conclusion about the accuracy and authenticity of the fact. So, this was exactly what Descartes wanted to implement, regarding his philosophy of doubt. For him, any known fact can be doubted till it is logically proved to be true through reasoning (Roach). Descartes derived this trust in the concept of logic and reasoning from his background as a mathematician. He clearly states this fact, when he says that he was delighted â€Å"with mathematics because of the certainty of its demonstrations and the evidence of its reasoning† (Beardsley, p. 9). Making use of his mathe matical background, Descartes then tended to apply logic and reasoning to all his future philosophical principles. Implementing the deductive form of the scientific method, Descartes goes on in his meditations to experience an intellectual journey, in which he doubts every single fact in our world. As noted by many observers, â€Å"Descartes begins his method of doubt by considering that he has, in the past, been deceived by his senses – things have looked a way that they are not† (Lacewing). As a result, this scientific method

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Capstone Checkpoint Essay Example for Free

Capstone Checkpoint Essay Looking back over the past nine weeks I must say that a large amount of valuable information has been presented to our class. The reading material, assignments, and class discussions have taught me some valuable lessons in the area of nutrition. The assignment that I learned the most from was the Week Two assignment about the digestive system. I now understand how the body uses the different types of food, the path food takes as it enters the body, and how the organs, including the salivary glands work together in the digestive process. However, my favorite part of Week Two came through the class discussions in the area of home remedies. I learned how a change in diet can prevent or help to cure digestive disorders. For example, Diverticulus can be treated at home by drinking plenty of fluid and eating fiber rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. I enjoyed this part the most because I was forced to take medicine for an extended period of time and I really did not enjoy that experience. Therefore, learning natural ways to bring relief was truly refreshing for me.  Checkpoint from week one, three day diet analysis instructed me how to begin eating healthier. I made the necessary changes in my diet and by the time I reached the three day analysis for week six, I noticed some major changes in my eating habits. Currently I notice the different foods on my plate and the nutritional value that each has to offer. I refrain from eating meals (other than grains for breakfast like cereal or oatmeal) that does not include fruits or vegetables. Even on those days when I stop by a fast food place and grab a burger I avoid the fries, and I ask for extra pickles, lettuce, and tomato, to add more nutrients to the sandwich.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Company Background And Market Analysis Of Mcdonalds

Company Background And Market Analysis Of Mcdonalds McDonalds is the leading global foodservice retailer and the worlds largest chain of hamburgers fast food restaurant. It is founded in year 1955 by Ray Kroc. McDonalds serves more than  60 million people with more than 32,000 local restaurants in 117 countries each day. It employs more than 1.5 million people. More than 75% of McDonalds restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent local men and women. Source From the table above, since year 2004 until year 2008, even until now, McDonalds is still the number choice of customers when come to fast food follow by Burger King and Wendys. In year 2008, Subway took over Wendys place and ranked at number three. Besides that, The Star Online stated that McDonalds is ranked in the top 10 most valuable brands in 2010 and it is placed at number six. Top 10 most Valuable Brands in 2010 Rank Brand Value ($bn) 1 Coca-cola 70.45 2 IBM 64.73 3 Microsoft 60.90 4 Google 43.56 5 GE 42.81 6 McDonalds 33.58 7 Intel 32.02 8 Nokia 29.5 9 Disney 28.73 10 HP 26.87 Source: Company Situation Mission Statement: McDonalds vision is to be the worlds best quick service restaurant experience.   Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile. Values: We place the customer experience at the core of all we do. We are committed to our people. We believe in the McDonalds system. We operate out business ethically. We give back to our communities. We grow our business profitably. We strive continually to improve. Management Overview McDonalds management is very successful as it exports its brands throughout the globe. The company operates McDonalds restaurants as well as franchises. There are 32,478 restaurants in 117 countries at year-end 2009, and there are 26,216 were operated by franchisees and 6,262 were operated by the Company. Under franchise arrangement, a portion of the capital have to be provided by franchisees to invest in their restaurant businesses for the equipment, signs, seating and decorations, reinvesting in the business is needed from time to time. Financial Situation Revenues by geographic Segment: McDonalds largest geographical market is Europe, accounted for 41% of the total revenues in the year 2009 which is mainly driven by France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Revenues are generated through other geographic segments: United States (US),  Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (APMEA) and other countries and corporate are 35%, 19% and 5% respectively. From McDonalds 2009 annual report, we can see that its total revenues from the US reached $7,944 millions in year 2009, a decrease of 1.7% over year 2008. Revenues from Europe were $9,274 million in year 2009, a decrease of 6.5% compared to year 2008. While revenues from APMEA reached $4,337 million in year 2008, an increase of 2.4% compared with year 2008. Revenues from other countries and corporate reached $1,190 millions in year 2009, a decrease of 7.8% over year 2008. The total operating income and assets in US shows favourable results where the figures keep increasing since year 2007 to year 2009. Total capital expenses in US show improvement as well where the expenditure is lesser in year 2009 compared to year 2008. Market Share: According to Jim Muehlhausen, McDonalds had occupied 19% of the total market share in the fast food industry. While its closest competitors: Burger King and Wendys accounted 2% individually. Pie Chart below shows the market share of the major players in the fast food industry. Source: Market Situation Sector Trends The land size of United Statess is at 3.79 million square miles, according to U.S. Bureau of Census, with the total population of 307,006,500 in July 2009, it is the third largest both by land area and population. The table on the left shows the population in United States in July 2009 according to states. Segmentation The market is segmented by demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioural. Targeting McDonalds target market is people who love fast food. The demand of fast food is increasing nowadays as everyone is practicing faster paced lifestyles. Macdonalds target market is: children, students, working adults and families who are from five to seventy years old. Students tend to spend their time to socialize with their friends in fast food restaurants compare to other restaurants as it offers affordable prices and trendy ambiences. Besides that, due to the hectic schedule, fast food restaurant is always the number one choice for working adults to have their meals as it offers quick services. Kids simply love fast food, hence, the parents will bring their children to fast food restaurants to have family meals. Positioning McDonalds outlets are located mostly in high population states such as: Florida, New York, Texas, Illinois and Ohio. They were built near office buildings, schools, in shopping malls, etc., which are high visibility, traffic volume and ease of access areas. State July 2009 population Alabama 4,708,708 Alaska 698,473 Arizona 6,595,778 Arkansas 2,889,450 California 36,961,664 Colorado 5,024,748 Connecticut 3,518,288 Delaware 885,122 DC 599,657 Florida 18,537,969 Georgia 9,829,211 Hawaii 1,295,178 Idaho 1,545,801 Illinois 12,910,409 Indiana 6,423,113 Iowa 3,007,856 Kansas 2,818,747 Kentucky 4,314,113 Louisiana 4,492,076 Maine 1,318,301 Maryland 5,699,478 Massachusetts 6,593,587 Michigan 9,969,727 Minnesota 5,266,214 Mississippi 2,951,996 Missouri 5,987,580 Montana 974,989 Nebraska 1,796,619 Nevada 2,643,085 New Hampshire 1,324,575 New Jersey 8,707,739 New Mexico 2,009,671 New York 19,541,453 North Carolina 9,380,884 North Dakota 646,844 Ohio 11,542,645 Oklahoma 3,687,050 Oregon 3,825,657 Pennsylvania 12,604,767 Rhode Island 1,053,209 South Carolina 4,561,242 South Dakota 812,383 Tennessee 6,296,254 Texas 24,782,302 Utah 2,784,572 Vermont 621,760 Virginia 7,882,590 Washington 6,664,195 West Virginia 1,819,777 Wisconsin 5,654,774 Wyoming 544,270 Total 307,006,550 McDonalds target market and its market segmentation: Children Youth Adults Elderly Demographic Age 5 to 12 13 to 25 26-54 55-70 Occupation Students Students/Part-timers Part-timer/Full-timer/Self-employed Retired Income 1000 to 2500 >2500 Pensions and savings Geographic Within United States Psychographic Interests Entertainment Entertainment, leisure Entertainment, leisure Enjoyment Lifestyle Dependent Aggressive Aggressive Slow and steady Behavioural Occasions Birthday party Birthday party, gathering Gathering, anniversary Anniversary McDonalds SWOT analysis Strengths Strong global presence with its nearest domestic competitor being only half of its size. The market leader in both domestic and international markets. Strong brand recognition Ranked number one in Fortune Magazines 2008 list of most admired food service companies Having more than 32,000 local restaurants in 117 countries. First to come out with nutrition facts information on its products. Weaknesses Lack of product innovation. High cost for employee training due to high employee turnover. Opportunities Its outlets are located in high visibility, traffic volume and ease of access areas. International market Advances in technology Threats Saturated food industries. Price competition between competitors. More health conscious customers and fast food is categorized as unhealthy food. PESTLE implications Political According McDonalds 2009 annual report, foreign currency translation had a negative impact on McDonalds consolidated operating results in year 2009 which is driven by the Euro, Russian Ruble, British Pound, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar. While in year 2008 and 2007, the foreign translation had positive impact on its consolidated operating results. The table below shows how the foreign currency translation affect McDonalds consolidated operating results. Economical With its franchises in US, McDonalds provide a lot of job opportunities to the US people to reduce the unemployment level in that country. McDonalds is hiring up to 600 part-timers to work in its outlets throughout the Las Vegas area which is with 14.2% of unemployment level. Social Fast foods lead to obesity problems in America as they are high in fats, calories, sugar and salt. Rates of obesity in America are keep increasing obesity will leads to other diseases like heart diseases, diabetes, etc. The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) said that a person will gain an average weight of 10 pounds if he or she ate fast food two or more times in a week. Pew Research Centre reported that almost 20% of Americans eat fast food at least twice a week after the survey is conducted. As the health concern is increased among the Americans, they tend not take less fast food as it have been seen as unhealthy food. To conquer the problems, McDonalds comes out with nutrition facts charts on selected packaging and menu information for customers to have guidelines for the food intake and meet their nutrition desires. Sample nutrition facts are shown in the pictures below. Technology With the technology, McDonalds serves burgers and fries to the customers in minutes time, McDonalds was the first to have touch-screen computers at the front counter and drive-thru to serve customers faster and easier when they ordering food. There are also touch screen self-ordering kiosks for customers to order food by themselves. Besides that, McDonalds uses Wayport for high speed connectivity to the internet. Legal McDonalds has been involved in legal cases which most of them are trademark disputes where many food businesses are using Mc or Mac because of McDonalds strong brand recognition. Environmental To reduce the impacts on environment, McDonalds uses 3Rs approaches: reduce, reuse and recycle. There is 82% of McDonald packaging are made from renewable materials at the moment. Besides that, cooking oil is recycled to be reused in variety products such as environmentally friendly biodiesel. Competitors situation and SWOT McDonalds closest competitors are Burger King Corporation and Wendys International Incorporation. Burger King Burger King is founded in year 1954 by McLamore and Edgerton. It has more than 12,200 outlets in 73 countries, however, 66% of its outlets are located in United States and 90% of them are privately owned and operated. It is having more than 38,800 employees serving about 11.4 million customers in daily basis. Strengths Second largest fast food hamburger restaurant Strong brand equity Weaknesses Heavily concentrated in US market Relies heavily on its franchises Opportunities International market Advances in technology Threats Changing consumer habits towards healthier food choices Intense competition with the competitors Increasing labour costs Wendys Wendys is founded in year 1969 by Dave Thomas. It is an international fast food chain restaurant which ranked as the worlds third largest hamburger fast food chain. In year 2009, there are 6,541 restaurants worldwide where 1,391 are company restaurant and 5,150 are franchise restaurants, majority of them 77 are located at North America. Wendys employs 46,000 people worldwide. Strengths Third largest hamburger fast food chain restaurant Global brand Strong supply chain Weaknesses Concentrated in North America market Having management problems Relies on franchises Opportunities International market Advances in technology Threats Strong competitors Increase in beef prices Fast food have been seen as unhealthy food Objectives and Assumptions Assumptions During the preparation of a marketing plan, there are few assumptions being made upon it where there will be no large fluctuation particularly on Foreign Exchange variance. Besides that, it is crucial to take variances such as economy crisis, natural disasters that will have impacts on McDonalds business into consideration during the preparation of a marketing plan. Objectives These marketing objectives are what McDonalds is trying to achieve on the three following years of its operations by using SMART criteria which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely: Marketing: Specific To increase market share. To increase new product awareness. Measurable To increase the market share by 5%. To have an increase of 18% on new product awareness. Achievable Advertisements on the new product to grab customers attention. More franchisees to open new franchises. Realistic Fast-paced lifestyle leads to higher demand as more customers prefer fast food nowadays. Timely To increase market share by 5% yearly start from 2010. To have an increase in product awareness by 18% start from 2010. Financial: Specific To increase overall sales revenue. To reduce cost of sales. Measurable Increase sales revenue by 8%. Reduce the cost of sales by 5%. Achievable Higher demand for fast food. Realistic McDonalds order raw materials in bulk to get cheaper prices and reduce cost. Advertising stimulate customers appetite and increase sales. Timely Sales revenue increases by 8% annually start from year 2010. Cost of sales reduces by 5% yearly start from 2010. Societal: Specific Provide healthier fast food. To make product more environmental friendly. Reduce electric and water consumption and wastage. Measurable RD at 8% of sales on healthier food recipe in year 2010. Reduce energy consumption and wastage by 3%. Achievable Reduce in fats, calories, sugar and salt in the products. Electric and water consumption is reduced by using them wisely Realistic 82% of McDonald packaging are made from renewable materials Timely Electric and water consumption and wastage is to be reduced by 3% monthly start from January 2010. Strategy Marketing Mix Marketing mix is all about putting the right product in the right place, at the right price and at the right time to boost sales and hence generate higher profit. Product McDonalds primarily sells hamburgers, chicken products, cheeseburgers, breakfast items, lunch items, french fries, soft drinks, shakes and also desserts. McDonalds should innovates its products continuously as people tend to change their preference and tastes from time to time. Without product innovations, customer will get bored to eat the same food over and over again. With its strong brand recognition, McDonalds serves its customers within minutes from ordering until they get their food with world class food quality by using fresh ingredients and excellent product features. Its staffs are trained to provide fast and excellent services to the customers. McDonalds product packaging is environmental friendly and 100% recyclable to reduce the negative impacts on the environment. Questionnaires have to be prepared from time to time to get feedbacks from the customers so that McDonalds have an idea to improve on its products and environments by following customers preferences. As people starts to practice healthy lifestyles, McDonalds includes salads, wraps and fruit into its menu. Besides that, McDonalds comes out with nutrition facts table and charts for people to have guidelines for their food intake and to meet their nutrition desires. The sample nutrition facts table for McDonalds USA is shown below. Source: Price McDonalds uses value-based pricing and psychological pricing on its products. One example for psychological pricing is $3.59 instead of $3.60 and $4.99 instead of $5. In customers perception of saving, they look at the items with prices ending with  £0.95 or  £0.99 more favourable as compare to  £1.00 as example although there are only  £0.05 and  £0.01 difference. The prices are set where they are reasonable and affordable by the customers. It uses value pricing strategies  on some of its products where they are cheaper to buy in a set compared to ala carte such as: happy meal, combo meal,  family meal, breakfast and lunch sets to increase overall sales volumes. Discounts coupons should be given out from time to time to attract new customers and to boost sales in those particular periods. Place McDonalds outlets are located in high visibility, traffic volume and ease of access areas. Most of its outlets consist of the distribution channels. It is important so that the product is available to the customer all the time. In United States, there are nearly 50% of McDonalds outlets can be reached by driving within three minutes. McDonalds gives certain level of satisfaction, fun as well as happiness each time they dine at McDonalds as it offers better ambience, hygienic environment and also great services. Free Wi-Fi with high speed connectivity to internet is provided to customers for them to access to internet to do business and entertainment when they are dining. Besides that, children will not easily get bored when they just sit and eat as they can have fun at the playgrounds in the restaurants while their parents have some time to spend together. Every McDonalds outlets have Drive-Thru to make customers who want to take away more convenient and fast. Besides that, quick del ivery to households is provided with a little charge. Promotion McDonalds uses various promotion channels to effectively communicate the product information to the customers as it has clear understanding of the customer value that helps to decide whether the promotion cost is worth spending or not. McDonalds three main advertising objectives are to make people aware of its product, having position perception about it and remember it. It does its advertising promotions through televisions, radios, hoardings and also bus shelters. Printed ads in newspapers and magazines and television programmes are one of its important marketing medium too to stimulate customers appetite. Besides that, McDonalds is doing sales promotion too. Customers can enjoy McDonalds breakfast and lunch sets in cheaper price in a certain period of the day. Besides that, discount coupons will be given to customers from time to time for them to enjoy McDonalds foods in cheaper prices. Kids simply love to celebrate their birthday parties in McDonalds. Hence, McDonalds can give special discounts and gifts to the birthday kids so that they will come back next year and tell it to their friends. Forecast and implications McDonalds three years forecasts and budgets (Dollars in millions) 2009 2010 2011 2012 Objective comment Sales 7944 8580 9266 10007 Improve by 8% yearly Cost 659 626 595 565 Reduce by 5% annually Profit 7285 7954 8671 9442 Increases by around 8% yearly It is forecasted that McDonalds in United States will meet its financial objective where its sales increase steadily by 8% yearly start from year 2010 while its cost reduces by 5% annually. Hence, the profit will be increasing by around 8% yearly start from 2010. Metrics McDonalds is using metric strategy in order to measure whether it can achieve its objectives or not. Marketing metric: Objectives Metrics To increase market share Measure by number of new franchises opening yearly Increase product awareness among target audiences Calculated by the sales of the particular product after advertising promotion is done Financial metric: Objectives Metrics Increase sales revenue Product sales is measured by dollars annually Reduce cost of sales Cost of sales is measured by dollars yearly Societal metric: Objectives Metrics Provide healthier fast food Measure by the percentage of fats, calories, sugar and salt in the products Reduce electrical and water consumption and wastage Calculate by the electric and water bills monthly More environmental friendly Measure by the percentage of its packaging that using recyclable materials Conclusion As the conclusion, although McDonalds is number one in fast food industry, it should keep improving its business in term of marketing, financial and social to be better in the future. McDonalds can get feedback from the customers to know what they prefer, how they want McDonalds to change so that McDonalds know what action it should takes to improve itself. With new product innovations and healthier fast food, McDonalds will be more successful. Word Count: 2275 words

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Equity vs Debt Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Equity vs Debt Financial Statement Information - Debt and Equity Holders Debtholders and equityholders as claimants to a firm’s future cashflows are interested in assessing risk. Debtholders Debtholders are primarily interested in assessing whether the firm’s cashflow will be sufficient to make interest and principal payments on a timely basis The lower the probability of a cash shortfall, the lower the risk to the debtholder Debtholders therefore gather information about the firm’s liquidity, debt capacity and liquidation value of assets Equityholders Equityholders are residual claimants of the firm’s cashflows. Shareholders in effect, hold an option on the value of the firm’s assets, with the exercise price equal to the face value of the debt. It is well known that the option component of equity value increases with the variance of expected future cashflows – Black and Scholes (1973) and with the firm’s debt to equity ratio. Therefore, when equity has a large component of option-like characteristics, financial statement analysis focuses on assessing both the expected level and the variance of future cashflows when valuing equity. At extreme debt levels, the equity is a ‘deep in the money’ option and its valuation does not require the use of the option pricing model. More traditional valuation models suffice. Financial analysts are interested in assessing a firm’s Beta risk so that they can perform valuation of traded stocks, seasoned e... Equity vs Debt Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework Equity vs Debt Financial Statement Information - Debt and Equity Holders Debtholders and equityholders as claimants to a firm’s future cashflows are interested in assessing risk. Debtholders Debtholders are primarily interested in assessing whether the firm’s cashflow will be sufficient to make interest and principal payments on a timely basis The lower the probability of a cash shortfall, the lower the risk to the debtholder Debtholders therefore gather information about the firm’s liquidity, debt capacity and liquidation value of assets Equityholders Equityholders are residual claimants of the firm’s cashflows. Shareholders in effect, hold an option on the value of the firm’s assets, with the exercise price equal to the face value of the debt. It is well known that the option component of equity value increases with the variance of expected future cashflows – Black and Scholes (1973) and with the firm’s debt to equity ratio. Therefore, when equity has a large component of option-like characteristics, financial statement analysis focuses on assessing both the expected level and the variance of future cashflows when valuing equity. At extreme debt levels, the equity is a ‘deep in the money’ option and its valuation does not require the use of the option pricing model. More traditional valuation models suffice. Financial analysts are interested in assessing a firm’s Beta risk so that they can perform valuation of traded stocks, seasoned e...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

It is safe to say that you are curious if those all night pack study hours are utilized? I wager you're thinking about whether they are really aiding or harming your midterm degree. I'm certain every last one of us have consumed a dusk 'til dawn affair reconsidering for that Chemistry or Economics composed test that you simply need to do well on the grounds that its 50 for every hundred of your evaluation. We all appear compelled to do well in school for numerous causes. For that high giving work were vowed assuming that we move on from a choice school or shouldn't something be said about the supposition that you will have an improved future. What's more for those of you whose folks are paying many dollars for educational cost, wouldn't yearning to let mother or father down. The reaction is here. Pilcher led an investigation of if nap need influences your capability of acing that check assuming that you just might have headed off to mattress prior. Voluntary nap want is a far flung episode for numerous school researchers, who regularly mostly deny themselves of snooze throughout the week and repay by developing their nap time through the weekend. This example of snooze lack and bounce back comes to be more spoke round composed test periods, sometimes bringing about 24 to 48 hours of nap need. By denying themselves of snooze, school researchers are not just stretching their conclusions of drowsiness throughout the day, along these lines declining their capacity to give careful consideration in class, however are moreover opposite influencing their capability to perform on composed tests. The impact of snooze need on mental variable associated with execution, for example self-reported approximates of consideration, exertion, a... ...watched films, performed film and prepackaged games, or took on unique undertakings for the duration of the night, however were asked to utmost jazzed drinks and sugary snacks to two each. The following forenoon both gatherings were taken to the library, in the wake of morning dish, and checked. All members then took the Profile of Mood States (Poms) examiner, which makes inquiries about their appearing. For showing do they appear to be well disposed, strained as well as angry? In the wake of fulfilling this they beat up out the Watson-Glaser Critical considering (Wg). This survey surveys their cognitive presentation. And after that inevitably they were allowed the Cognitive Interference Questionnaire (Cg), which exhibits a register of sorts of contemplations. The members answer by expressing how frequently they encountered those considerations while air conditioning